Category: Drug Law

Drug Possession Defence Attorney in Toronto

Discover expert defence from a drug possession defence attorney. Facing drug possession charges can be an overwhelming and distressing experience. In Toronto, navigating the legal complexities surrounding drug offences requires the expertise of a skilled defence attorney. Enter Alex De Boyrie, a prominent criminal lawyer in Toronto, renowned for his commitment to defending individuals facing […]

Frequently Asked Questions For Ontario Drug Lawyers

This article will examine frequently asked questions for Ontario drug lawyers. Drug offences are serious crimes in Ontario, and those who are facing charges need to understand the legal process and the potential consequences of a conviction. Below are some frequently asked questions for individuals seeking legal representation from an Ontario drug lawyer. Drug offences […]

Drug Charges in Toronto: What You Need To Know

This article will examine drug charges in Toronto. Drug charges in Ontario can have serious legal consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and a criminal record. It is important to understand the laws surrounding drug offences in the province, as well as the potential penalties and defence options available. Under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA), […]