Pretrial Motions

Pretrial Motions That Could Impact Your Case

When facing criminal charges, understanding the legal procedures and strategies that can influence the outcome of your case is crucial. One such important aspect is pretrial motions. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of pretrial motions and their potential impact on your case. As an experienced criminal lawyer in Canada, Alex De Boyrie has handled numerous cases where pretrial motions played a pivotal role in securing favourable outcomes for his clients.

What are Pretrial Motions?

Pretrial motions are legal filings made by the defence or prosecution before the trial begins. These motions address various issues related to the case, such as evidence admissibility, procedural matters, and constitutional rights. The goal of pretrial motions is to resolve legal issues before trial, streamline proceedings, and ensure a fair trial for all parties involved.

Common Types of Pretrial Motions:

  1. Motion to Suppress Evidence:
    • This motion seeks to exclude evidence that was obtained illegally or in violation of the defendant’s constitutional rights. For example, if evidence was obtained through an illegal search or seizure, the defence may file a motion to suppress that evidence.
  2. Motion to Dismiss:
    • A motion to dismiss requests the court to dismiss the charges against the defendant. This motion may be filed on various grounds, such as lack of probable cause, insufficient evidence, or violation of the defendant’s rights.
  3. Motion for Change of Venue:
    • In cases where pretrial publicity or other factors may prejudice the jury, the defence or prosecution may request a change of venue to ensure a fair trial. This motion seeks to move the trial to a different location where impartial jurors can be selected.
  4. Motion for Discovery:
    • This motion requires the prosecution to disclose evidence and information relevant to the case to the defence. Discovery helps the defence prepare their case effectively and ensures transparency in the legal process.
  5. Motion for Continuance:
    • A motion for continuance asks the court to reschedule the trial or extend deadlines due to unforeseen circumstances, such as the unavailability of key witnesses or the need for additional time to prepare the defence.

Impact of Pretrial Motions on Your Case

Pretrial motions can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. Successful motions, such as suppressing incriminating evidence or dismissing charges, can weaken the prosecution’s case and increase the likelihood of a favourable outcome for the defendant. Conversely, if pretrial motions are denied, it may limit the defence’s options and strengthen the prosecution’s case.

Why Choose Alex De Boyrie for Your Defence

As an experienced criminal lawyer with a track record of success, Alex De Boyrie understands the importance of strategic pretrial motions in building a strong defence. With his in-depth knowledge of Canadian criminal law and courtroom experience, Alex is committed to protecting the rights and interests of his clients at every stage of the legal process.


Navigating the complexities of pretrial motions requires the expertise of a seasoned criminal lawyer who can advocate effectively on your behalf. If you’re facing criminal charges in Canada and want to explore your legal options, we invite you to schedule a free consultation with Alex De Boyrie. With his dedicated representation and personalized approach, Alex will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Don’t wait, contact us today to take the first step towards securing your defence.